The Food Security and Livelihoods (FS&L) program implemented by KMTC focuses on improving access to nutritious food and livelihood opportunities for vulnerable communities. Under this program, KMTC carries out various projects, including the Conservation Agriculture and Livestock Integration Project. This particular project targets vulnerable farmers residing in the rural wards of Binga district. Since 2014, KMTC has been actively promoting conservation agriculture as an effective approach to enhance climate change adaptation and build resilience among rural households. The aim is to empower farmers with sustainable farming techniques that help them cope with the challenges posed by climate


Additionally, KMTC operates a small livestock pass-on scheme, which originated from a previous food security and livelihoods project that concluded in 2005 under the support of NOVIB. Although KMTC currently lacks dedicated funding for this project, as a local organization, it continues to facilitate the pass-on of small livestock across all 25 wards of Binga district. This initiative plays a crucial role in improving food security and livelihoods, as it enables vulnerable households to acquire productive livestock assets and generate income for their sustenance.


Considering that the needs of a farming households are not only food but Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH), KMTC has a WASH program which is dedicated to enhancing the availability of safe drinking water for rural households in the district of Binga. The organisation is doing this through facilitating the establishment of safe water sources, establishing adequate sanitation facilities as well as promoting hygiene practices. KMTC has facilitated the establishment of water sources through construction of weir dams, drilling of boreholes and desilting of dams.

Water tank at Simatelele ward water scheme where a borehole was solarised and water conveyance pipes were installed to supply water to the local school, community and dip tank

Social Protection

The social protection program is dedicated to offering social assistance and support to food insecure households. KMTC has this program to help farming households to gain energy for food production during lean season. This program has projects such as Food for Work (FFW) which facilitate the creation of community assets such as dams, clinics, schools, among other community micro-projects.

Picture taken at a food distribution point in one of the wards targeted by KMTC in 2023/2024 food assistance project. The project also had microprojects that were done through a food for asset approach.

Empowering Farmers, Transforming Lives

In the face of increasingly unpredictable weather patterns and environmental challenges, KMTC is dedicated to equipping smallholder farmers with the skills, resources, and support they need to not just survive, but thrive. By collaborating closely with local communities, we are able to develop context-specific solutions that address their unique needs and priorities.

Join us in our mission to cultivate climate resilience, nourish vulnerable families, and build a more equitable, food-secure future for all.